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Don't miss our exhibition about Laponia, the living world heritage were sami people have lived and worked for thosands of years.

Gällivare Culture Museum shows the local history with an emphasis on the Sami people, settlers and the mining industry. That is, the culture and nature that characterize our area. Our temporary exhibitions reflect the vibrant cultural life in Gällivare. At present, we have an exhibition with the Sami artist Barbro Poggats and a souvernir exhibition.

We are a childfriendly museum with a lot of opportunities for play, creativity and interactivity. We have an old school room, a trade stall and a creative workshop. Many children also like to look at our stuffed animals, for example wolf, eagle and wolverine.

In our museum shop you find local crafts, literature, coffe and souvenirs.

Opening hours, address, and contact details

We will be closed from January 7th to 10th due to renovations. On January 11th, we will reopen 12-13.15 for the opening of Gällivare-Malmberget Photoclub's members' exhibition.

Starting Tuesday, January 14th, we will return to regular hours:

  • Tuesday: 11:00 AM – 2:30 PM
  • Wednesday: 11:00 AM – 3:30 PM
  • Thursday: 11:00 AM – 3:30 PM
  • Friday: 11:00 AM – 3:30 PM
  • Saturday: 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM

Free admission

Adress: Centralskolan, Storgatan 16, Gällivare
Reception: 0970 818 692

Sami people and national minorities
Our permanent exhibitions tell about how the Sami lived in the past and about Laponia, the landscape where they have lived for thousands of years. Gällivare is an administrative municipality for the national minority languages ​​Finnish, Meänkieli and Sami.

You get to see how people used to farm the land, keep animals and do forestry. We also show how the settlers subsisted on hunting and fishing. In order for you to get a picture of their living conditions, we have built an environment with a log cabin, forests, swamps and animals.

Mining industry
In Gällivare municipality, there are two large mines. In one, iron ore is mined at a depth of up to 1,250 meters and in the other, which is one of the world's largest open pit mines, copper is extracted. In our permanent exhibition, you can see how the mining industry have developed and different minerals.

fin bild

The flags of our national minorities. From left: Mäenkieli, Jewish, Sami, Roma and Sweden-Finnish.


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